What is one thing you saw which you shouldn't have?
Want someone to guide
What makes you sleep peacefully?
What are your thoughts on public display of affection?
What do you do in long weekends?
2025 is wilding
If You Could Choose, What Profession Would You Date or Marry Into?
What is one thing that provides satisfaction as much as good sex?
Why are you still alive?
What is that one thing that you regret not saying/doing?
What is one superstition that you belive in?
Why is it that so many people in India play around with relationships, situationships, and all that dating noise, but when it’s time to get serious, they somehow always end up with arranged marriages to settle down?
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Rent in sapna sangeeta
Recently joined a gym and got a PT. This is the diet chart he made for me 😭
Career advice from a Sr. Software Engineer for Freshers
Man test power of different firework
What made you start therapy?
So, What is you love language?
39.25 Cr Purse Left and we are Cooking 🔥🔥🔥🔥
What is one thing you never want to be caught doing?
What is one thing that makes you fill guilty?
What anime character are you?