Misprint Magcargo?
Really Hope They Make a IRL Set Of Some of the Arts From Pocket
$40 at vintage store
Do you think Trump is right in trying to abolish the department of education?
what the biggest asspull in shonen?
Heat Wave arena full rare card list
my gf bought me this for my b day from a ebay seller with 100%
Are my Big 3 worth grading?
Found this card from 19 years ago. Is it worth anything?
Worth grading? Bought one pack of 151
Weird Grape
Found this at the courtyard
I was at a store as customers opened and entire shipment of the pokemon day pack and we didn't hit a single SIR.
How would collectors/the community react if they started re-releasing vintage card arts but as illustration rares?
My doctor will be disappointed with me next checkup
As far as I'm concerned, another shop just closed its doors.
At what point should I call someone
Just pulled this.
Nice Way To Cap Off The Evening
What Pull Got You Hooked?
Tifa Saturday!
Here is why Luffy is one of the least Free people in fiction!
Who was your Nintendo childhood crush?
The Recent Hunt
[Other] Any predictions for the next Zelda game?