So any conversation starters for a girl I’ve never talked to?
I want her so bad rn 😭
Why do you like your crush?
I hate when guys call men simps
Got rejected guys....
Is Undertale fun for a casual gamer?
Pick one from each category and I give you your power. Ignoring the dimension.
So wich number are you?
What are your rarepair ships that u feel u gonna get bullied for?
Throws these at you and runs away/j
Your last photo made their reaction
who tf pissed her off 😭
A way to distinguish the mains (picture unrelated as hell)
Misspell your favourite toon's name in the comments [image unrelated]
What moment in block tales got you like this
How does everyone feel about the new toon so far?
In your opinion what’s the best boss theme ranked from worst to least.
decided to make avatars based off the trio ( Hatred wasnt silly enough to pass )
What do y’all think of the new toon? (Gameplay wise)
M is for Malovelent Shrine, N is for...
The hiker from Woodbury getaway was chosen for day 6! Who's a character who's great, but fans don't like.
i made an amen break soundtrack