What's your biggest teeth clincher w/ ADHD/ADD?
i ❤️ zoloft
100 to 125, 1 week in and i'm struggling
Alibi posted this on their Instagram today (9/4) Good to see they’re taking steps to address the continued incidents.
Took one Zoloft last night and I'm done forever. When will the side effects be gone?
Goodbye Alibi
For men on Zoloft: Chick-Magnet Effect?
Any Great smoothie ingredients/recipes that give a long lasting energy boost and lift mood?
Happy Life
Today is my 5 years sober!
Do you have more than one kid? How do you cope?
Before being diagnosed what was your “Yeah I have ADHD” moment?
Tips for people starting zoloft
Day vs Night dose 🤔
If you take Zoloft, what time of day are you taking it?
adhd meds and zoloft
Do you take Zoloft in the morning? Or in the night?
Cutting alcohol?
What’s a quirk that is actually ADHD?
First day on medication. Holy shit. I feel unstoppable.
I love sertraline
Day to night switch