Magical nexus:
Am I the only one that feels like the tradeoff for adult celestials is way off?
It is done - all 5 Celestials as Adults!
I always do work first then play, but i do not often set plans, am i still J (Judging)?
What are three things you don’t like about yourself
How would you describe yourself?
Which Percy Jackson cabin are you?
Trading Bioblade
Theory: What if all of the Ethereal monsters are united on Mirror Gold Island?
What annoys you the most about this game
Is there any relationship between being able to bend lava and not being able to bend metal, or is it just a coincidence?
It do be like that sometimes
Just managed to get all 4 of these, anyone else got them?
Give me recommendations to expand my fanmade MsM songs playlist.
If you know you know
What do you think the other islets will look like.
Wait a minute
New island confirmed! What are your thoughts?
Is it ok if I say, I’m disappointed
Plasma Islet will only have 12 monsters on it, as opposed to 15
Just finished Version 3 of my Avatar Sub-Element chart. It's come a long way since version 1
If you were to to delete one monster who would it be ( image unrelated)
why is season 2 bad?
Which monster was/is WAY harder to get than it should be for you?