tauruses are slow/stupid?
What are the top 3 most stylish signs?
How’d i do? picked up 52 records this morning for $50 at a garage sale
what is your favorite air sign?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Fluance RT82 Reference Table w/ a Ortofon OM10 Cartridge
Guys who used to be sad but aren't anymore: How'd you do that?
At what point did you know it was time to give up your dreams?
At what point did you know it was time to give up on your dreams?
Almost 30, at the same job for 5 years because I’ve been chasing my dream. What would you do?
What's your venus, Taurus suns?
Do you guys fear change?
What is your mercury sign and what is a typing "quirk" you have?
What's an astrology opinion that will have you like this ?
What is the peak male experience that you all would consider?
Which are the harshest Moon and Venus combos to have in ones chart?
Who or where do you turn to when you really need someone but don’t have close friends to do so?
what are your family members signs?
Which sign have you met multiple times but there damn near the same person ?
PE after stopping porn and masturbation.
Men, what are some ways you’ve personally raised your self confidence?
What do you think each characters zodiac sign is?
In a new city for almost a year, how would you make friends if you don’t have money for team sports?
Men, where do you find the iron to sharpen iron?
Does no fap make you more social/energy to socialize.