Does anyone know why or when novafork went down?
doing math homework with your dad starter pack
I don't like the new Desktop layout! 😭
what is the name of the band on his t shirt ?
what is the name of band on his t shirt ?
Found some old sketches about DP I made while working on this comic
Tell me the last Diary of a wimpy kid book you read
talking about depression with Indian parents
[TOMT] [ ANIMATED SHOW ] [ a show about a indian girl from a royal family who had superpowers ]
My playlist for rodrick ( dysfunctional perspective ) .
Rodrick rocked this outfit ( I was sleep deprieved reading the pdf at 3 am last night and thought he looked really cool )
What's something your parents said about you/your body that you still think about to this day?
Just watched Leaving DC
What's wrong with me ???
Does anyone get shaky/chills when anxious?
[TOMT] [SHOW] [ a show from 2010 - 2014 ] Disney show that started at 10 or 11 pm every night , it had a specific episode of a teenage guy who would scare his siblings or maybe friends wearing a clown mask .
[TOMT][youtube video ] [ 2016-2022]
Has anyone here actually have Desi Parents that supported them in terms of Mental health and allowed them to seek treatment?
Are you sick of me? Would you like to be? I'm trying to tell you something Something that I already said . . .
What are the best found footage horror movies?
a visual representation of how suppressing all those memories feels . art by me .
Communal violence must be resisted
The fight isn't over yet.