Paris has a roundabout on a bridge
Pourquoi dis t'on "un bon-homme" ?
Floor and Sirenia at the vet clinic for their cartrophen shots for their arthritis. One smooth all white without a single dark hair and one curly all black without a single light hair. I love seeing them together 😍
This display of items removed from noses and ears at an ear, nose, and throat clinic
"TSH" sound. What to do when faced with it?
"english has no phonemic nasals" mfs when I hit them with the most contrived minimal pair ever thought of
Shared letters between Latin, Greek, and Russian.
What is BTBAMs best guitar solo?
I love this animal the
The boys got some stacking cups! I thought Jupiter was having fun with them until… 😅😂
Does this sentence make sense?
Pourquoi est-ce que la différence d'âge est mal vu ?
Des tacooooos piquants
If you had a sentence that calls for the futur antérieur, but also has a subjunctive trigger, would you just use the indicative?
What are the first lyrics that come to mind when you think about BTBAM?
3 ans de muscu sans compter mes calories…
Retour des trains sur la petite ceinture de Paris : "à long terme, ça n'est pas que virtuel"
Quel âge avez-vous et combien d'inhumation avez-vous vécus ?
Quelques cliches des années 80
Is this a error on Duolingo
Pls explain this grammar point to me
Il est des
Pourquoi les gens mettent des photos de groupe sur les apps de dating ?
Talking about powers
My honest reaction to all the wisdomball hate posts