Y'all think it progressed further or no (3 year difference)
This is the Exact Moment....This Joke got Old.
What should a blood test check for when dealing with hair loss?
Is surgery truly worth it?
Dutasteride is REVERSING my progress? PLEASE HELP
ASKING ALEXANDRIA - They Don't Want What We Want (And They Don't Care)
How far are we from a treatment better than finasteride?
Until I Wake announces Jaali Cypher has stepped down from the band with the return of Cody Jamison back to vocals
Surgery for partially blind eye
Best boots/shoes for Custodians?!
In The Batman (2022), Robert Pattinson has a shirtless scene. The fact this body type is seen as skinny and twink-looking shows how much the overuse of anabolics and dehydration in Hollywood has rotten people's idea of a trained healthy male body.
Is it normal that my cat has this belly?
I was jumped/ lots of hair pulled out :( need growth tips please
Neighbor across the street put this up. Should I contact my HOA, or is this a religious symbol?
Tried to save a bro but looks like he’s not listening…
Did Simon Rex have a hair transplant?!
Do we know exactly why some people respond so great to dut/fin,min and others dont?
Does oral minoxidil or finasteride interactive negatively with multivitamins?
Spicy food is good for hair I believe
My only living parent is now dead to me.
Is there a purpose to derma pen/roller if taking oral min/fin?
Does dutasteride stop hair loss forever?
Creatine made all my high DHT symptoms return
Can i donate plasma if I use finasteride?
Why do people like warhead so much?