my dragon, Faeriefyre, commission by
Why didn't Daenerys ever suspect Jon's heritage when he successfully tamed and rode a dragon? She should be aware that only Targaryen and their descendants can do such a thing.
Lady Stoneheart and Lord Bolton by Amueliart
one of the most realistic aspects of the show
they delved too deeply and greedily
What is a joke you didnt get till you were older?
the dwarves whenever aule is not around
no the word your looking for is venomous Mr PHD
what does worship look like in ME
Is it fair to say that Moria is the dwarves equivalent of Numeanor
fool of a took indeed
my oc claims his dragon Faeriefyre by Lucian.Otto
Book frodo is so funny
My OC Prince Baelon claims his dragon faeriefyre a commison by Luccian
M24 I need a boost today
Catelyn is the most over hated character
Baby Rhaenyra and Syrax by @Calli_exists
How do I style my hair to look more attractive?
22m, I was walking in the mall today and over 5 women on separate occasions called me ugly “eww he’s ugly” then later in Taco Bell 2 girls called me ugly, be honest
Graphic: stumbled upon some hunting dumping ground?