I would like to introduce you all to yams newest neighbor. The hairy pufferfish, any name suggestions?
Crab tank! Red claws, a fiddler, mystery snails and shrimp
Help for Mrs. Keisha
Gills or feather dusters - you be the judge 🙂↔️
Is this a failed molt or is he dying
Would anyone want to take my female copper or trade for a male? I have a male and the intention was to have them in the same tank and it’s just been a lot taking care of them separately.
The secret is out - Almond leaves are in🍂
Does anyone else like to talk with yourself?
Sign of high nitrates?
How it started vs how it’s going
Anyone else own a ‘tank inspector’? 😂
First loss I can’t explain
Finding a cover illustrator...impossible?
Sweetheart approved
I think I need to rehome my axolotl
Having her Marilyn moment 💃
Axolotl died after my sister looked after it when i was on vacation
Is he/she pregant??
Pet portraits expanded to ‘water dogs and cats’ 💜
Lost my little buddy and I'm gutted
Super sneaky 😶🌫️
Anyone else?
does he/she look healthy?
how’s my scape? what could i add?
Gill question