Weird Fauna II - Death Gazer
Encounters in the Dark VII - The light merchant
Weirdwood - a reality breaking location (link in description)
[houserules] [rules] [combat] Negative HP is Broken, not dead.
A horrible monster for your viewing pleasure!
Question about being stuck
The (Lego) players and method for tracking vitals in my campaign
Number of upgrades for weapons
My take on the classic cover
How would you rule for a player asking to cleave multiple targets?
how would you handle grappling a wizard?
How do I nudge my DM into asking for Athletics instead of a raw Strength check?
Pensem nessa situação hipotética...
My player saved everyone with one final cantrip
Vol 2. Map
Someone spent 2 hours tearing apart my DMing and I don't know how to feel about that
A barda do grupo fez uma paródia da Barbie em homenagem a Strahd
My moment of validation as an old-school GM
A Solo Hack
NPC cards for Mörk Borg with STATS!
[Bonus Rules] Off-Hand-Attack!
Combat as a Last Resort
What happens if you take a flesh attrition with no skills left?
Question regarding the wretched loyalty class
Mestres, como vocês agem quando percebem que não estão se dando bem com um player?