Rewatch Observations part 10? 🫣
How would you respond to someone who says “this is why I breastfeed” in referring to the consumer reports that came out
Consumer reports formula test
Baby’s weight?
i have questions for the stay at home mums.
Crawling & development. Am I screwing my child up?
Feeling so alone in our post NICU journey
Do I need to switch from preemie formula to stage 1?
When did you give gas drops or gripe water to your baby?
Friendship Bracelets
How long did you stay in the hospital after delivering, and via which method?
Stop changing your baby’s formula!!!
What goals do you attach your egg to?
You are given an opportunity to eat from a bowl of 60 grapes where each grape you eat gives you $5,000. But, 1 grape is poisonous. How many grapes would you eat and why?
What’s a small decision you made that changed your life in a big way?
Thinking of leaving this world
Should I be concerned?
Who else is awake right now?
Mammogram results, need help understanding
8m former preemie - mystery illness, should I be worried?
4 month old baby with weight of 3.76kgs
Tattoo artist noticed moles at mid session. Now what?
My baby will be born at 34 weeks. How long of a stay did your 34 weeks stay in the NICU?