Who wins?
Better series?
What are your thoughts on The Good Dinosaur?
Who would win?
Day 58,59, and 60 of posting TWR memes until the sequel gets a trailer-Meme 1 has spoilers 4 book 3!
Who will win?
How Strong is Lille Barro: The Self Proclaimed Yhwach's Best Creation
Who wins
Why does Roz always look so cute when she wears clothes?
Are you disappointed we probably won't be getting another Ant-Man and The Wasp movie?
Your last saved image killed Yhwach. What was it?
Which of these two do you think is the more dangerous antagonist?
Do you consider this fight to be canon to the story in terms of powerscaling?
One-Punch man Season 3 official PV 1
Further “debunks” of light speed
Bleach (Anime and Manga) VS MCU (Live Action)
What if Royd Lloyd copied Yamamoto in the beginning of the first invasion? How would the situation change?
Kaido vs ulquiorra
How strong is Mihawk compared to Bleach?
We got freaking snubbed out of everything
It's official, we lost... But my country won the Oscar :)
We lost, everyone
Roz wants a hug