Sweet Liberty, muh pride
ELI5: what is the difference between sub-machine gun and assault rifle?
"You don't see representation as a problem because you already have so much!"
Not all leftists are insane
WingsofRedemption assaults Keemstar and his wife Kelly on LOLCow Live.
Does someone need me to play them a small violin? 🎻
It's official: AC: Shadows has peaked at -24,593 LESS players than DA: Veilguard (which was a commercial failure) on Steam
Man, I wish we could go back ten years to before this crazy shit started hap......oh.
I don't see the difference
"OMG this sub is ruined"
"Underground missions can't work because of the impossibility to call stratagems" - I got a solution: drillpods!
The European Union is banning the use of virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases.
"But Elon is a Nazi!"
After we bully AH into adding the cowboy hat to the game can we get them to add Nicki Minaj? I think she'd fit the game well.
Reddit is mad the prices of products are going down at Costco and Target
Cultural Warfare
This whole 'toilet seat up vs down' debate is disgusting. the lid should be down 100% of the time, unless you're actively using the toilet.
The use of the term "edging" in every day language is vulgar.
Is Anita Sarkeesian's flavor of feminist really the mainstream?
Trump hat causes argument on the train
Woman gets jumped and attacked by group of adolescence, UK City Center.
Fire Gods
“The Democratic Party is a coalition of non-republicans that is fundamentally right of center. The GOP throttles progressive ideas and only fights for corporate interests.” “I consider AOC and Bernie to be the third party”