Zurgo Goes Infinite Pt. 1
[TDM] Taigam, Master Opportunist (WeeklyMTG)
Cards that are regularly played incorrectly at your LGS?
What absolute staples should all mono red decks be playing?
Angelina Jolie
Who is your reanimator commander?
Deal infinite damage to all opponents and gain infinite life (if one has a creature) for just 10WWWWWWB
Fun commanders to play with displacer kitten?
Is this infinite creatures and damage?
Can i order Betor's triggers?
Which Hobbit food commander is better?
Dilhada's -3 qualifies as Discard or Mill or What?
Any Interesting Yidris ideas?
When did it “click” for you?
Which Commander for "Interaction-Tribal" (without Counterspells)
Whenever I play, I always struggle to keep creatures on the board while my opponents are pumping out massive characters, can anyone suggest ways to make improve my first custom deck?
Dino’s get permanent indestructible?
Shuffle Titan Effects
What are some of the best card “nicknames?”
Does Syr Konrad go in all aristocrat decks??
What deck do you start with in new groups?
Sasaya players, what are your thoughts? Is she fun (for the table)?
Is standard kinda boring now?
PSA: Do you have a special deck you love and want to endlessly talk about? Write a primer!