Recommendation for a contractor to replace bathroom ceiling and drywall
Am I the crazy one????
Bathroom ceiling leakage in recently bought apartment
Immigrants/expats, what was your main reason to move here?
How to legally terminate a model A contract; I bought a house while still renting
Moving to the Netherlands from Spain
US student applying to two universities in the Netherlands for Fall 2025. Likelihood of finding housing?
Mortgage Approval Timeline by ABN AMRO
Studio or apartment for couple in Leiden or close
Buy or rent in the NL?
Where to get cheap dried legumes and beans?
Letter of Intent for Mortgage Application
I need to move out by January and found a temporary place without registration while I find a long term place.
Tasteless meat. I’m fed up (pun intended)!
Is housing/room rental difficult for foreigners?
Am I making a mistake trying to move to the Netherlands?
Going from employment to freelancing, how did you do it?
Half of homeowners worry about affording their housing costs in the coming year
Comprar casa en paises bajos buena idea ?
Asbestos presence and asbestos pipe from boiler through roof
Is there any renting agency you can recommend?
I have until the end of the year to find a new place, what are my odds of finding something?
House viewing today and must make offer today. How to bid? HELP.
The housing crisis is scaring me
How do I know how much to bid when buying a house?