My controllers on my quest 2 work perfectly fine and are both charged at 90%, but for some reason they don’t work specifically when I play Blade and Sorcery.
Seems like I'm joining the Boot Loop Club
Logan: A Town That Defies Logic
Realtor recommendations for Ogden area? Clinton, Roy, Clearfield, etc
How much weight loss is realistic
Game still crashes after launch
What is using up 90% of my RAM?
What is using all of my RAM?
Northern Utah
Friend or Foe?
Which video game can be identified by a single quote?
My First Astrophoto 17y
Critique? I'm a 17y M and I'm generally new to photography, I've only been doing it for less than a year.
Medical Insurance / Hopsital Visit
Can you really stay below 20g carbs?
Traffic Control Signal Violation?!?!? Citation Help
Moded avatars not working (quest)
How to Get mods on Quest 2!
How to stop slo -no
Stupid ass hand glitch needs to be patched
I feel like I'm missing something
(Unpopular Opinion) This game is a disappointment.