Ok guys, am I overreacting or my feet have a weird color?
You wanna hit a disabled person? Have fun with 30+ years in jail.
Tengo 31 años y me avergüenza y lástima mi situación, como hago para no sentir frustración?
Can't execute sounds in script with playsound() or subprocess.run()
Laburos para jubilados
Vecino de Ezpeleta decoró la vereda de su domicilio con plantas y fue víctima de un ladrón que sustrajo varias masetas
Desde que mi novia me confesó que estuvo en una relación SM no puedo dormir en paz
what is the lexington letter?
Severance - 2x08 "Sweet Vitriol" - Post-Episode Discussion
S2 E7 “Chikhai Bardo” I think I know what’s up with Gemma and the rooms.
Severance - 2x07 "Chikhai Bardo" - Post-Episode Discussion
¿Por qué dan vueltas? ¿Alguien sabe?
AITA for kicking my sister out of my house because she yelled at my cat
Alguien más compró pepitos y cuando las abren están asi?? QUÉ BRONCA LPM
Why not?
My husband needs to touch my breasts to fall asleep. I'm exhausted and need a divorce. AITAH?
Caída de Cabello Anormal? 1 Mechón de pelo cada vez que me lo lavo.
UPDATE: ex-bf showed up at my job
AITA for snapping at my gfs sister after she kept nagging us to let her dogs meet my newborn?
AITAH for walking out of my girlfriend’s birthday dinner after what she did?
My gf wants to split up because she's being called a Predator
que es ser un "hombre trola"?
Guys, can you believe this ?!
I'm not reading my GF's suicide note addressed to me, and I probably won't ever read it
ATIA My GF (26F) and I (26M) are about to break up because she isn't aware of how bad her vagina smells, how do I help her understand?