All base game bosses except cinder dead, dlcs have been rough
What’s y’all’s favorite boss in the DLC?
It’s probably common knowledge but this made me laugh.
Episode 9 made me feel like I skipped an episode and they replaced the characters
Okay so... why does it appear as though Marika/Radagon is made of clay?
Consort Radahn - A great attempt with a gut wrenching conclusion
Consort Radahn - No damage with a parry build
Petition to remove this dumb move
Could I have been any more *in the middle* of that roll?
Why didn’t Radahn close the distance here?
Me trying my best to get the RL1 hitless on DLC Radahn
Which is the most fun game to RL1, and why?
What did I do wrong? (two examples shown)
Finally beat Consort Radahn rl1
I thought you could strafe this?
when people become product.
Strandberg QC issues
How important are chalice gems in BL4?
Forbidden Woods is one of the best locations of the series
Triple tracking guitars for better mono compatibility?
Is the GreatMace good?
Staccato peeps, come get your man.
Yeah probably not gonna be able to do that again
Darkthrone guitare amp
What weapons in Elden Ring can be used at true level 1? (Meaning Wretch with all stats at level 10 and no stat altering equip)