Not a lighting question
What lens and aperture
Can any one ID this song please
Thoughts on how these were lit?
Where can I listen to butterfly online?
Digital Handprinting
How do I achieve the golden skin tones
Advice on how to resell Harry Potter Studio Tour tickets
Easy medium format camera wide lens
Mamiya to Sony air remote
What should a 2nd assistant be doing when there’s “nothing to do”
Near Romantic Relationship with a Family Member?
Romantic Bond with a family member
Holding the Key light
Vintage camera help
Assistant handbook
Light meter problem
Lighting darker skin
Looking for a ticket to London show tomorrow evening
Moving from assisting to gaining work + shooting for magazines
Posting commercial work
Difference between 2nd and 3rd assistant?
How do I achieve that similar lighting set up?
Difficulty finding more assistant jobs
Looking To Assist As A 2nd/3rd (London)