Change Application from ED to Regular Decision
Accepted to Binghamton wtf
Ranking LAC based on how cool their names are
They want additional information…
It’s Pay to Play
How much more aid after Merit Aid?
Lehigh Vs Temple?
early admits piss me off
can i get rescinded from princeton?
Is Boy Scouts cultish?
The Rapidly Shrinking Number of Scout Camps
Reed vs Sarah Lawrence
Are ugly people more likely to cheat?
My experience with Boy Scouts
I HATE Scouts with a burning passion
I hate Boy Scouts
What was your scouting experience like?
How rich, white, and fratty is it at Lehigh?
If a guy cancels on a first date...
Guy in a Non Substance Abuse 12 Step Program Raged at Me
Wife wants a separation…
Talking in statements
Predatory? Dating women recently separated
Guy wants to see my social media
Why do I tend to fall the hardest for guys with autism?