Ranger is both defined concept and not "just a druid that martial"
So now that Ricardo has established himself as the Team Rocket to our group do you think he will rock up up with his very own Jesse to his James next time i.e. a Big Sister
Sweeper Fuel Tank description aka reminder that city dwellers don't know Sweeper's true lore
So, the new Heishou Pack - Mao Branch IDs
Why is Tanya Evil?
Why is no one talking about Vergilius?
Question For you Lore people: If Humans become an Interplanetary civilisation (Sci Fi Style) what would happen to Alaya, and Alaya/Gaia's relationship
Mount Chimborazo is the highest point on Earth, but not the world's tallest mountain.
What are the statistical chances of this happening
Wonder if Future Expansions for this game would involve increasing the number of Ages (with extra civs for each)
Which fields in psychology are most/least guilty when it comes to the "replication crisis"?
yet another loss for bleed count outside of MD
Soooo what does everyone think about the ranking for the Sinners Strength Pre Limbus Company?
Remember what we learned at the end of all this guys: It's the MONSTER that gets the girl!
Is this a feasible idea for a human non imperial and non chaos faction? The Returners
Fun Idea for a New Warahammer Game: A Souls Like where your playing as St Celestine doing her respawns
Xiao reception in a nutshell.
Another Emperor Origin Theory
Ideas for future encounter types
Jinshi becoming Emperor with Maomao as empress
The Leanansidhe. A conundrum and a question. SPOILERS ALL.
Is attack speed means reload speed for merc?
Hasan's reaction to Mutahar's video about him
The remaining character arc remaining open for [Most] of the Sephirah
What is the greater threat the Elders are scared of?