Did Joel deserve to die?
Thought I'd post my top 10, what do you think?
What does my top 12 say about me?
[Life is Strange: Remastered] Most pointless remaster of all the pointless remasters.
I dare you to name 5 good things about TLOU2.
The Virgin Immigrant in North America vs The Chad Immigrant in Europe
If your trophy hunting on AC Shadows be aware guys
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Which games fit this description?
What’s my top 10 say about me
how old would you assume I am based on my top 12
Touching people's faces inappropriately in public... Nan iChir Gelair!!
I know who she is, but why would she be crying?
Had your opinion about Kung Fu Panda 4 changed in a year after its release? If yes, did your opinion become better or worse?
What In The Flying Fuck Is That?
Fixing TLOU2 with minimal changes
what do you think about this new mob idea?
How is my gameplay :D
Dude behind the counter called a woman a “bitch”. So, her son decided to approach him.
Starter Pokemon Family Tier List
If You Prefer 2D>3D Games, Why?
Starter Pokemon Tier List
[Multiple Games] I hit 20 plats! Here is my tier list