Prestige Question
Found an interesting wall bang 🤣
I am loosing because of noob teammates. How did these players even reach legendary??
You can still unlock gold cemo for wm3 and wm2
What you all expected from S3 in WZM
Wtf is Activision on again 😬
No matter how many legendary or tracer packs y'all bought if y'all don't have this y'all never getting it again making this the rarest in wzm
Sniper shotgun is still bugged.
I have issues on Reddit group
Are multiplayer mastery camos ever coming to this game?
About damn time they changed the playlist
Any future tips?
What is your experience with wzm after the update?
Y'all complaining about the game lagging meanwhile it's IMPOSSIBLE to play for me
Hackers on WZM?
Pov:you are playing Warzone mobile in May 2024,actually the game was playable and quite joyful.
It's okay WZM I didn't wanna see anyway.
I play on a Redmagic by the way, all my graphics are set to low, everything is low or turned off. And yet this happens when I use this melee.
I seriously hate this bug...
Cant drop munitions box
Activision wants to keep our hands toasty🔥🔥🔥
Is the TMNT🐢 worth buying