How would you apply this feedback to your screenplay’s dialogue?
Thoughts on the “+ / -“ scene structure from Save The Cat?
Shooting for 100 Rejections - Last Update
what's an adaptation you're confident you'd be able to do Justice if given the chance to write a script about it?
I just went to the movie theater and saw “Barbarian” written and directed by Zach Cregger. What did you think about it from a writing perspective?
What films are good examples that follow the Save The Cat structure?
Seriously, what is the key to writing great dialogue?
Who else relies on drug/alcohol-induced "visions" to write scenes and dialogue?
Need some help with the title of my script.
I'm going to get ALL the numbers on the Black List with the same draft of the same script (So far, I got a 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Help with scenes suggestions
I finished my portfolio website!
what would you title a dark-comedy/romance about a young mobster falling in love with a cougar?
How do you “host” a script on THE BLCKLST for free?
Looking for feedback on the first four pages of my feature!
Producer Replied to Query Letter, Read Script – This Story Doesn’t Have a Hollywood Ending
Is it possible to switch the protagonists and the antagonists roles during the film?
My script was included in the Golden Script Competition's annual list, the Golden List (their favourite 15 feature scripts among this year's entries) and I feel like I'm on top of the world!!!
Am I the only person who absolutely prefers Fade In over Final Draft?
How to Format Flashbacks
[QUESTION] Act III begins...
[DISCUSSION] Anyone else have trouble with titles? How do you land on one?
[QUESTION] Best Final Draft Alternative?
How do you write a time jump in the same location?