Need a better leaf spring option
but Sarge, it was just a warning shot
Abandoned house in portland.
The detail in this game is wild. Look at the chamber & bolt. Never had this happen.
My goodness. I adopted a Demon. 🥹
Is a cart a tool?
Found as part of my dad's collection, anyone know anything about it?
Found this city out of bounds Giant's Shadow. What could it be?
It finally happened.. AIMPOINT 3000 broke
Is this a normal amount of wear on a new Mossberg 500 that was only racked 10-15 times?
Um.. I’ll just come back later
A Shire horse and its owner.
Bought this pin yesterday and I've no clue who it is
What type of glue is recommended for the leaf?
I want to duplicate this blue tiger stripe. Any tips on finding the paint color?
When is it not worth saving leather
2 people tried to take it from my cart.
If you haven’t done yourself a favor and printed out any of the Jawa Scavenger Lamps from warrel72, here’s your sign!
Any tips on how to get the spring in there?
Wanting to take items..
Overflow shelf. I need help making this look good
What is going on with my shot pattern?
I hadn’t taken this ring off in nearly 10 years…