Why does insecurity matter so much to people dating?
Mujer heterosexual prueba con mujeres porque los "hombres son todos iguales"?
Starting with Finland
How to run the game?
Multiple Indirect weapons contributing to spotter 'ranging-in'
How to validate men?
Joe Rogan was never funny and is now pathetic
Are men actually attracted to (fit) women when they’re all sweaty after a workout? Or is he just telling me that to say the “correct” thing?
Ustedes se fijan en las cejas y pestañas de las chicas?
Men, why do you keep tabs on your previous partners if you have happily moved on?
Being a good photographer isn't a talent or a Skill
AITA for Having Sex with a Drunk Woman?
I went to a psychologist and they said it was okay for 30s people to date 20s people.
¿Está mal si una mujer tiene el hijo que un hombre le dijo que no quería?
Es ironico que los mismos que se la pasan gritando "no todos los hombres son malos" creen que todas las feministas son malas por lo que hacen cuarto
Number of Dice?
First Bolt-Action - come flame the knewbie! (Barrel Conversion, BA Pistol content)
Qué es lo que NO se les hace atractivo en una mujer?
My partner isn’t “trans enough”
La ortografia és una estupidez
The male loneliness epidemic is a self-pitying problem and there's an easy solution.
Introductory exposition Game suggestions
Infantry assaulting tanks clarification, please
First Table
¿Le tienen miedo a la muerte?