Trying to understand this denial for OSA secondary to PTSD
Friend baffled by a Currently on review compensation issues
25k with 710 Credit score.
being harassed over my service connection
C&P exam with QTC in Jacksonville Fl
C&P Jacksonville FL with QTC
31 Years ...
Denied PTSD claim what is the next move?
Would this be acceptable?
Meanwhile at Travis AFB.....
Got denied for everything.
Get help with your claim
Knee pain
It’s scary what VSOs don’t know
I got rated for knee arthritis but don’t have a knee.
Tipping point...? This tweet is really bad.
The Associated Press has been officially banned from covering the Oval Office and Air Force One
Just got fired
Need help to get over the hump!
Can we all Vet go do a strike towards VES
C&P examiner with atrocious patient reviews.
My buddy filed a 21-4138 today
Filing a request for a personal hearing
Well, crap
Next course of action?