[SS] Demise Final Boss assistance
Mother/EarthBound Original Timeline
Bowser vs Eggman verdict
Is Honkaistarrail in another universe compared to the Genshin Impact universe.
[EoW]What is your theory on Echoes of wisdom’s timeline placement
Which one should I play first?
He has a friend :) what should i name her?
Poor dude couldn’t take it anymore
do you think peach is hot ?
My ATTEMPT at the Pókemon timeline
How da hell did suko not get a concussion
Wrong answers only
What are your thoughts?
Day 5: Who is the medic of the group?
Do you think the Avengers shouldn’t have time travelled?
Do biblical accurate angels scare you ?
Who’s going to win the 2024 election?
What are your thoughts on brothership?
What are your thoughts on Sonic.EXE 2
If you could only have one series which one are you choosing?
How did vegeta feel about Napa’s death? Were they honestly friends or just soldiers working together?
What are are some headcanons you have about Luigi?
Who was your pick for Super Mario Wonder?
Who wins, Team A, or Team B?