GBB Inner Barrel Question
Getting Umarex products in the US
We Were Badly Misled About Covid
Right-wing commentators dominate social media in US (graphic by Media Matters)
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
FASCISM: "An authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."
What cheap pistol ($400 and under) has the most recoil and kickback that’s also pretty easily available???
Am I the only one who finds her attractive?
Noveske N4
When I was growing up, Americans (especially Replublicans) hated Russians and commies. How and when did this change?
AI Box for UConnect 5
AI Box for UConnect
The last 5 lvls of lab speed are worth?
Which movie would you defend like this?
Switching To Iphone Has Been The Worst Decision I’ve Ever Made
If Trump stops both the war in Ukraine and Gaza, would you concede that he was the anti war candidate?
What’s a catchphrase or slang from the 80s/90s that you still use or want to bring back?
Why aren't people anticipating Donald Trump dying from old age, obesity, and dementia?
How do I know I'm not reading misinformation or extreme bias?
What movie is so bad, so deeply insulting to you beyond all others?
Which 'Seal Team' character is this
Which 'TheSuits' character is this
[serious] Conservatives, how do you determine if a woman or non-white person is a "DEI hire" or not?
What IDE do you guys reccomend?