How does this chocolate bar stack up? Also are they still available?
Hands up if you know what this is??
What do you love about Australia the most
Are "dry" events considered un Australian??
What generation makes or made the best Australians?
“I still remember getting the first candy from my Grandad, it was Werthers Original and I was four…”
People who liked Mars bars 20+ years ago, how do you like the ones they sell now?
Mars Bar in batter
Milkshake Man
What are some notable novels that Aussie students have to read in high-school for English class?
It's a long way to the shop if you want a
I want to watch an extremely disturbing movie
If you eat chicken, do you prefer breast or thigh?
Apparently it's "Cool" to hang out in public toilets.....?
Every immigrant should watch this educational video.
Whose parent used to make homemade plasticine for you?
Anyone else watch this on ABC after school? The way people got slimed for saying “i don’t know” was my favourite.
Let’s bring more of them. Allahu Akbar
Let's settle this once and for all...Stubby Holders: Yes or No?
Did anyone else's mum used to make Lebanese bread pizzas?
Only in Australia
Scale of 1 to 10 how important Australia's alliance with the US
Favourite part of high school when the rest of it sucked?
Back in the day we had the Whitepages delivered to our homes. These days would you put any of your personal details in the phone book and why?
What struggle meal did you hate growing up?