Seems fair enough
Is this intentional? Description states any mode, yet the last goal for 20 packs has the "BR" tag next to it
Anniversary points Bugged
Can't complete the welcome pass
High CPU usage
[AMA] Let’s talk about Takeover’s Legends and Weapons
R-301 Damage Badge not tracking
Oce packet loss servers
Sydney servers (DEAD)
Bro can I please just play the only game I play
Server Crash / Full Rank Reset
why am i rookie??? i was gold 2 before the whole server going dookie
Account reset from Diamond to Bronze IV overnight
Two of my friends got deranked
invisible wall -_-
I can't leave matches
Back to lobby
Game Is Broken
any word about this? r/RespawnEntertainment
6th Anniversary problem
Why is the RP Broken
Invisible texture on the new weapon arsenal
Wattson nerf ??
There is NO WAY that they forgot about Bangalore's smoke being nerfed to not hit or deal damage to enemies anymore 💀
What happened to Wattson's fence nodes?