The only two characters I need to see return in the next ME game
Veilguard feels like the writers were rushing through all the major lore reveals just so they can move on in the theoretical sequel.
Why is the SMG 11 Portal Gun attachment camo on the Reaper MK2?
Rainbow Six Siege Reveal Megathread
How are you finding the reputation system so far?
I used to dislike the "Power" system for Inquisition, until I played Veilguard...
[DAV Spoilers] What makes Davrin stand out?
What would y’all like to see being added to Siege X?
should ubisoft buff the new op?
What’s your favorite scene in the series?
What are your DA Vocal Stims?
Y10S1 Seasonal Survey - Make Your Voice Heard!
Favourite Romance moments from Rommaces you never/rarely play?
[DAV SPOILERS ALL] we need to talk about Mass Effect
Zofia loadout?
What if the Virmire choice was Tali or Garrus?
They removed the fog from Kanal in the new update
What's something you feel the fandom tends to overlook or forget?
Rauora is fine, stop complaining.
Will there be a way to open duplicate celebration packs before opening non-duplicate celebration packs?
Year 10 Season 1: Operation Prep Phase is now LIVE
anyone else cant connect to the new season?
Year 10 Season 1: Operation Prep Phase begins tomorrow, March 4th @ 09:00 EST / 14:00 UTC
When is the game gonna update? like hours in gmt