I purchased the deluxe upgrade, but I don't see it anywhere.
Thoughts on E-citron now?
I actually got these bros the 'legit' way
most of the accessories in this game are so ugly many times ill go with "none"
Why this cost so much bruh
Terrence Howard is Legitimately Insane
how to pronounce RWQFSFASXC
Recommended Xenia settings / config? (TiP Emulation)
Claim your here before 5 year archive trophy
Looking for advice on purchasing a new pair of headphones, mostly for gaming. 100-140 (USD)
Klee the Hedgehog (From Mondstadt to Liyue via rolling only)
Do you remember?
Infographic:Most used characters from 761 CN players that have full starred 1.3 abyss
Sentai : "What anime do you want to see dubbed in 2021?"
[OC] whenever i see venti i think of another cheeky gremlin with an iconic laugh... 🤡
Need help or advice on getting a model into VRChat. Detailed pictures inside.
Some RWQ doodle cuz im bored :P
Need help taking apart an Oculus Rift S to deal with insects.
[Amazon] Various Limited Edition Sets ~$15
Just got my first win since I started playing at the beginning of May!
State of the subreddit
Japan Post: Temporary suspension of acceptance and delivery delays of mail items destined to various countries/territories
The movement glitch makes this game unplayable!!
Just started noticing that a bunch of the songs on Switch are actually slightly different covers and not the original songs they claim to be
1,100 USD Gaming PC, buying parts on Cyber Monday.