Downvotes for having an opinion??
any offers?( mostly looking for kit but ik its not too good fruit for it)
What other race could rival human in terms of visual v4?
anyon trade?
Guess my level based on my build. First one to get it gets a free portal (only 1 chance)
Pick a number from 1-1,440 and I'll give u a song to try
Can anyone Offer My buddha And Leopard😆 I Just Get This From Fruit Noti
I know this isn’t a good trade but could anyone please do this?
Smell of Curry sticking to bags and clothes. Any solutions? How to get rid of it?
I better not hear Fortnite for those reasons
This should be ban able.
Give me Your last saved photo and see if You Are allowed in
I’ve seen you spell out the first bit of the U.S Constitution, now do the whole thing 😈
If you had to quit playing one brawler forever what would it be?
Is this a Wor L I'm new to 2nd sea and idk I'm the gravity blizzard pain and phoenix
yall can we stop the dumbass brainrot comments about his voice?
sigma boy
Say bye bye to all the layers u/SomewhereInfinite709
If you seen my last post the tower is now from 15 floors to 20 floors
Uhh i found a weird entity in bloxd...
If you see CAM_MAN18 REPORT HIM!
I just rolled a leo
He broke the rules of his own subreddit.