Who is this? (Wrong answers only).
It was funnier in my head
So this gave me a heart attack
Had a funny idea at 3 am
Which death was Sadder?
different kinds of people
Stacked on gifts, so hmu
Much help needed
How is Navia not a Durandal Expy??
What's the boss with the most epic sounding name? I'll start:
Of course she's in First Place XD
What did Otto see
Did I mess up by not pulling in the starter supply?
sad 6'4" guy looking for new friends. Just got left and need a little self esteem push. 8.5"
With all the fuss about Herrschers. As a new player, I feel like Theresa would slay hard & look phenomenal with this form. Her Valkyrie and huge cross aesthetics will elevate more visual wise 😌
Our girl is getting some buffs!
Step 1: Get autofilled as supp Step 2: Get 100% Kill Participation Step3:Enjoy defeat. Why are you guys play the role anyway lmao
Some users recommended them to me since their the closest Mage esque Magical Girls I can get in the game. Their gorgeous and their gameplay seems to fit right in my alley. Now how can I obtain them to join my Queen Team? 😌
Should i pull on this one? The guaranteed S rank on 20 pulls is tempting.
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
I think I was wrong on who comes out when between HoS and Dudu’s equinox battlesuit. Now I’m stuck, I really want a physical powerhouse. First it was miss pink vs hos. Hos won now it’s Hos vs Durandal’s palatinus equinox
How? I thought mobius has a disadvantage? Please do let me know if Im wrong.
The Best story - event is finally here , now all the capitaine will feel the pain
My first banner in this game, not going so well
Just sharing my luck!