Cargo autoload scammed me?
Windows activation needed for modifying sound
Oui le Drake Herald est mon vaisseau préféré, je n'ai pas peur de le dire 🤗
My fav screenshot I've taken so far (Pyro is beautiful)
dorm marked vs abandoned- [Discussion]
Guess the name of my most recent ship
Any updates coming? | Suggestions for build (new player)
what do you guys think about my keyboard, should i clean?
Ranked is very exciting
random ranked teammates:
Cayo perico payout W: Ruby Necklace (HM) and Gold as secondary for more than 1 person.
Does the bombushka have more cargo space than titan? (I think bombushka has more and the red one is bombushka)
First ever game over 3,1k dmg
how long you have to wait to you can sell tezeract