What’s the easiest Kirby game iyo, I need to know because I can’t get past 24% of return to dreamland deluxe lol
Help prawn down!
What is the name of this puzzle?
After watching the show, I got the bundle that contains essentially every Fallout game and want your guys' opinions on what order I should play the games in. I would prefer chronological.
Decided to fish Gas giant said no
Red Plague is an interesting mod but nowhere as scary as the original and felt so "random" average
Favorite titan?
What do my stats say about me?
is the multiplayer mod any good?
How it feels to be a good Monarch player (tier three is broken)
Here me out ion is the best Titan
They just won’t stop
Bring Back Marked For Death
I hung in there and got 3rd.
Found system called Eiminens so had to do it before I moved on
I am 14 and this is deep
I know nothing about the game, ask me anything and I'll answer like i know
You'd think a Ronin is like a samurai, but it's actually got mindgames like a ninja.
Monarch mains, what kits do you use?
They Who Returned...
Xbox with windows os
Any servers/clans that are more casual?
Sexting Reddit/Telegram Scammer
What’s your favorite Whispy Woods fight?