NZ Bitcoin Reserve
How to add vertical line to image captions like this example from the BBC? (Or how to add any caption decoration for that matter)
AdminLTE vs Pure Bootstrap for a new web project?
Israel Bans Use of Large (over $1700 usd) Sums of Cash
Which opinion on New Zealand do you have that’ll end you up in this situation? (stolen from Melbourne subreddit)
A Stock Market Rally Is Still Possible for the End of 2022 if These 5 Things Go Well. All it would take is for one of the five to go in the right direction to have a snowball effect afterward.
What is PHP implode?
How many of you have seen a crypto winter? I've only been buying crypto for a year and hope to use the opportunity to accumulate. Any tips from seasoned holders is appreciated.
The Land Laid Bare: Why Māori can’t build on their whenua
Gas Prices Near Me…. SF Bay Area
ELI5: Why prices are increasing but never decreasing? for example: food prices, living expenses etc.
Nearly half of bald and golden eagles in the US have chronic lead poisoning, study found. The findings suggest that eagles are ingesting lead fragments from bullets in animal carcasses left behind by hunters.
Where do I store user images, videos, PDFs in a full stack Angular/spring/MySQL project?
A substantial amount of borrowing by households in the bottom 90% of the wealth distribution was financed through the accumulation of financial assets by the top 1%.
Well, she is not wrong... it's a fucking goat
How does crypto replace bank loans in the future?
The amount of food that is being thrown out at Dunkin Donuts each day
How little can you live on
Forget the < 30 somethings out there, how many individuals aged 35+ 40+ 50+ and still working dev/eng?