This game desperately needs BETTER proximity voice chat
I feel kinda bad
The elevators are getting out of hand - Someone at CIG please respond to this!
How are y'all getting tin?
How the heck do I start a party?
For those Connie lovers out there
A MPUV and a ROC question
I am tired....
Starlancer tac
Freelancer Near Terminus [4k in-game screenshot]
unstable game but hey here is your gear bro!
[9:16] Mirai Racing Suit
Please make Starlancer faster
Read the whole patch updates, before whining all over
how have u done it?
4.1.0 PTU gone? Yesterday I was able to play it, today its just gone? (Subscriber, wave 1)
Ebuyer blame AMD for price hike
Not gonna lie, love the vibe from the new kruger ship designs (my fav is the C and F). Hope they gonna make a big ship one day.
Supply or Die -issues
I can't take part in the event.
So, with effort you can fit a Nursa into the Reclaimer Cargo Bay.
Would kill for a good third person POV..
This is ridiculous.
Getting repositioned after entering an abandoned ship.
First one through the hole wins the race.