Props to Wg - Steel Hunter
Az összes műszakis szak, csanád szak
At this point just fuck you wargaming, I really do not know how am I supposed to enjoy playing tier 10
DBV-152 new Assembly Shop vehicle?
You guys are the problem.
Let's lose faith in humanity together
What 1 ram does to a man
Oh dear god, they are going to sell WT E100
Imaginary armor working as intended.
Why do I need 'az' here?
Leak of what we can expect from wot in 2025.
whats the "BIG" thing?
PROPOSAL - Type 5 H branch buff/rework
"your win rate in the T34 from 2013 is 46%"
Just as usual
2025 Christmas Celeb is Jason Stathem
WG: With 3D attachments coming to the game please don't miss the opportunity to bleed us weebs dry. Thanks.
WG banned me for being the target of ingame physics abuse and now censored the tickets
𝝅.Diddy clickbait fost
Nobody care what this tank was when they sold it for gold
I tried playing in a platoon
Truly Elite Sale Event
Lesta is bringing back general chat in battle. What do you think?
They got me, I am a dirty cheater.