hospitals on east coast
What are you guys drinking other than water?
Positive NIPT & Horrible MFM experience
congenital heart defect - transposition
22 weeks pregnant and bubs diagnosed with large VSD, double outlet, potential transposition of arteries.
Will my clinic know if I don’t finish a pio shot? Pls read
congenital heart defect
Son (7 weeks) with TGA post surgery
Baby diagnosed with DORV & HLHS… positive outcomes or advice?
congenital heart defects
Umbilical cord issues
Fetal fraction - NIPT
HSG results HELP.
Fetal Heart Rate ''a little low'' at 5w5d
It was all for nothing
Recent NIPT Result — High Risk due to DNA Faction
How long did it take you from retrieval to hearing results of PGTA?
Measuring 6 days behind at first dating scan
Low fetal fraction 7.3%
How long did it take to get your NIPT result back?
IVF baby measuring 1 week behind
Ovulated before egg retrieval.