Zappy chargeback Capital One
plz help a blurry, gray browed girl
Can some of my over 50 people give me your stories ?
Round or Oval with a thicker band?
Ousia endotoxin results
Does anyone’s shot last all week?
Zappy haul
Is your Costco insanely packed!!??
Anyone else set a goal weight and later started thinking, lose an extra 5lbs just in case. 😆
FDA Violations for 503b pharmacy
What’s the weirdest reason that made you decide not to date a person?
Did anyone stockpile in Oct/Nov and regret it?
Food (pic of my baby for attention lol)
Show me your mini when they were puppies, and them now!
Update on Ousia Sterility Testing and process going forward
Opinions On Going Down On Gen X Women Over 50
Switching from IVIM to…anyone
Mini’s breath (and saliva) literally smells like 💩….
What’s next?
That attitude
Excessive licking
Let me sketch your dog round 2 ! (send in the comments)
My gorgeous schnauzie boy is a master manipulator