Casual Elena Outfit
Not tvd related but why do think, they canceled this show. I actually thought it was quite good
I asked ChatGPT : If The Vampire Diaries had a reboot, how would the story go. What do you think about it ?
Stella’s character is just so good. She brings the drama and keeps things interesting
This girl was really after Clare boyfriends
I hate him
Who is your favorite and least favorite of Craig's girlfriends?
The way those two always seem to find their way back to each other.
What do you think about their relationship? I’m not sure if I like them or not. I’m currently in season 3, so please don’t spoil anything!
I actually like them together 🫶
Un popular opinion but Bonnie is not stronger than freya dahlia hope and the hollow. Yes she is a powerful witch but not that powerful
Which books of L.J. Smith do you prefer: The Vampire Diaries or The Secret Circle? And if you have read both the books and the TV series, what do you think is different between the shows and the books?
Do you think that if L.J. Smith, the author of The Vampire Diaries, had produced the show instead of Julie Plec, it would have had as many plot holes as it does? Have you read any of her books, and do you have a favorite?
Since The Secret Circle and The Vampire Diaries are set in the same universe. Those are some characters that are similar in my opinion. What do you do think ?
I don’t get why Tyler's abilities were downplayed. He was stronger than the main cast, but Damon and Stefan managed to beat him, even when he was a hybrid. It doesn’t really add up.
Un popular opinion but klaus is no victim he deserved everything horrible that had happened to him I don’t get it how people hate more on Elena who actually is a victim than him
Tell me one good valid reason that you hate Matt and who you are fav character is and why ?
Katherine deserved better
Jenny and Nate should have been endgame. She is the only one who truly loved him and fought for him
My Katherine Pierce Halloween look
Un popular opinion the Mikaelson family deserved the ending they got speacliy Klaus Elijah and hayley
Elena is stronger than Caroline as vampires
The only reason Damon won the fight against kol is because of the bad writing in the show where they didn’t want to show the main characters being weak
Katherine is better Elena .
What do you all think about the hate train Blake lively is facing now