Level 11 meteorite weapon mastery skin?
Exactly what a man wants to see after a 9-5 shift
Hold on to this would you
Power Shift after the Sniper Buff
Goo Gun keeps getting changes that are not listed in the patch notes
New Gamemode found in game files (no audio, spoilers)
Wonder how long it'll take them
QC is now just TDM...
How do the developers make a game that looks so good free?
Embark: We have fixed re-spawn logic.
Power Is Power Hail Dissun
Who is the person that thought this was ok?
The most pointless badge to equip ever. Surly there is something better they could do with player level progression? Plus why is the WT badge locked in?
Just an idea of a seasonal sponsor lineup that could include OSPUZE without them sweeping the whole competition (idk about Volpe, lmk if there's any you think would be better)
A man can have a dream 💚💚💚
Gadgets with almost no skins
The New Mirror Skin has exactly 1 correct usage
So I guess it will just explode in your face now?
What weapons skins has unique sounds or animations?
Share your funniest light story of the week!
"We. As One" Drip check!!!
CL-40 skill issue???
Idk what to call this but it’s fire
Negative spawn timer bug
ive had multiple people downvoting me and telling me otherwise so here it is: riot shield does block melee, even winch claw