You can spray the goats.
"Jeff Hate is so forced!"
Who do you think is currently the weakest hero?
Is platinum seriously better than 95% of players?
Why didn’t Sasuke copy ishiki’s speed with his sharingan like he did with rock Lee. Is he stupid?
Not sure how I feel about this..
The man benches 35 lbs
Is Squadron 42 going to be a mainstream title and bolster PU player count?
How to Mantis
The worst thing you can see as a strategist main
They didn't even get to hear "THE-"
Triple Support Meta doesn't exist....
How do you feel about non-Asians who are into Asian culture?
Colin vs Kanbei
What's your guys favorite voiceline in the entire game?
Free McDonalds Code Giveaway
Why are people so afraid to PUSH?!
Pénta 1 month into wwe
[BotW] Can the Breath of the Wild formula seriously be rehashed a third or multiple times?
CBD-Oil stopped my MD?
The fact that Sasuke can reach Lee's speed in 1 month of training is one of the biggest Bullshit in the classic 2024 Awards
Shawn Michaels, do your thing
Should i be worried of this?