How do I actually visit Russia as an American?
How cool are you? *Europe*
Top comment removes a Country [Day 22]
I ❤️ 🇷🇺
Russians and stereotypes
Which Asian flag is the BEST. Take out your LEAST FAVEROTE one. Top comment will be removed. (DAY1)
Top comment removes a Country [Day 21]
Were one of the Dwarves actually named Snappy ?
Ooh, I guess he did do it
Top comment changes the map: South America edition. Day 1.
Top comment removes a Country [Day 20]
Tell me a flag and I will rank day 2
Top Comment Changes Europe!!!
“Peter what are you doing?” “Crack” “WHAT THE FUCK!”
What map of Europe is your favourite?
What do Russians think of Czechia?
Has this sub become more pro-Putin in the past 3 years?
Caillou ends up in a fight with another bald guy, who is it?
Screw You Dammit!|Day 33|Today's state is North Carolina
Okay let’s talk about Harry Styles. You don’t have to say anything, just tell me when to stop..
Name this country.
They're definitely running out of ideas... but I'm definitely still gonna watch it
What's the prettiest name you have ever Heard?
Screw You Dammit!|Day 32|Today's state is New York
Who can beat Peter in Unga Bunga? Can be any character you think of.