Anyone else finding it impossible to enjoy the game after the withdrawal of AI beta?
38th Degree Black Belt refuses to leave the Family Dollar
Old Lady tries to break fight with a stick, then an upgrade
Most reliable way to get my hands on arena superchargers mark V?
Who has the best pizza in Nicosia?
how can 1 person be perfectly fine with the breakup and the other a complete wreck?
Question about Cyprus
Realistic bull price for 2025?
What weight threshold would you consider safe for me to start jogging again?
zombies can't hit me when i'm moving
Haste rune shard overlooked?
Upgrading from iphone 8 plus
this patch favors adcs, change my mind.
zombie stun/stuttering mechanism, how does it work?
Good Renekton items post-item nerfs
Who's the fastest tower destroyer in the game?
Patch notes 14.19 - Renekton nerfred to ground with it?
damn can wukong take turrets.
AD build with the highest damage output per Q?
Lose Lane, Get Kited for 30 Minutes, Get Promoted
This champ sucks right now.
i have serious issues with mordekaiser
list of champions for farm lp in silver to emerald elo
shyvana QoL suggestion
Why again does Renekton fall off in the late game?