New Colonial tank line dropped
Where is the chain of command?
can you board a large ship?
Foxhole Tank Logic
What’s up with the Able / Charlie Tribalism / fighting?
Your opinion on the reworked stamina system?
Low pop time attacks backfire.
Has anyone else seen people use th Stim pistol?
Dedicated MG vehicles, and to a lesser extent regular vehicle MGs are in a poor spot.
Guess I'm an alt now
Join the [NAVY] Today, fight for Veli as a Team
The only usefull way of HwM
Desert Uniforms
Anyone experienced with artillery?
The D10 experience
Why are there people complaining that the war is at a stalemate?
Taking the Trident out of Red River to QRF:
Drop Vps , Close Charlie , Merge servers , Release update
The wars are becoming incredibly boring
How is this fun?
Do wardens really think colonial navy issues is just skill? Cause it's not...
Should devs reduce VPs
Devs man needs to get their heads out of their ass
Found this gem in the Walmart in Oxford Maine
What is the most badass thing you ever did in the game ?